Petite Bébé

Iconic Gift Box

Petite Bébé

Gifts Made Beautiful

Personalised Baby Gifts!

Premium gift boxes for the chic and modern parents who won't compromise on quality. Premium quality baby products. Feel the love in every gift box. Curated specially with you and your child's needs in mind. For newborns, babies & toddlers up to 4 years old.

Sous Mon Baobab Paprika Lion Child Backpack

Adorable grey and mustard backpack with Paprika the lion from "Sous mon baobab" collection. Filled with sweetness, in sober tones and with watercolor patterns, this pretty collection takes us to meet tender wild animals. This pretty bag has a flap on the front representing the adorable little face of Paprika the Lion. Crowned with his magnificent mane made up of strips of coiled fabric: too cute!

Ideal for the first days of your child at the nursery or for outings outside. Backpack straps are adaptable to the size of your little one. Thanks to its adjustable straps and its handle. Opens with a zip and an elasticated storage pocket under the flap. You will be able to store all the little baby's stuff like his comforter, his snack or his first pencils.

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